
Jared Tebo is a professional RC car racer that was born into a racing family, as he grew up racing motocross. After many injuries on the bike, he transitioned to RC Cars in 1999. Jared made a major impact on the RC community by quickly turning professional in 2000 at the very young age of 13. Nineteen years later, Jared has 17 ROAR US National Championships, 2 IFMAR World Championship, 1 REEDY RACE of Champions Win, and countless large event wins. The now 32 year old was born and raised in Southern California, but since 2007, Jared calls the beautiful Kansas City, Missouri area home. Come back stage and get a great look into Jared’s racing career.

Tekno Rc




KO Propo

GS Hobby

Ultimate Racing




58 responses to “About

  1. Hi there. I am wondering if its possible to run hex wheels on the new rt6? Someone said you could probably run the sct axles and run the ae rims? I am just wondering if you know if this is possible. The reason why I am asking is cause I used to run ae cars and have hounders of dollars in truck tires on ae rims and don’t want sell them of throw them away.

    • I’m not sure. I do know on our SCR where we use hexes, we run a shorter front arm (SCR) to get the width correct. I’m not sure what the offset is with the AE wheel compared to out SC wheels. If the offset is the same (not very likely) it could work. Sorry I can’t really help.

  2. You’ve always been awesome to me Jared, from day one in Hemet. My dad and I really thought highly of you and still do. Congrats on your current worlds tiltle and even a bigger congrats on everything else.

    Keep up the good work,

    Your friens,


  3. Hi JT,

    Happy New Year wish you and your family all the best, say hi from me to Megan ” The best pit girl”

  4. Hello Jared,

    Talked to Joe Pillars to help me contacting you and he sent me here.

    In Spain is being programmed an international race called Buggyland and the organizators told me to try and contact you to ask if you could be interested in attending.

    Race will be held in Fuencarral’s track, where “Merlin Race” took place last year with Miguel Matias and Jerome Sartel attending.

    Contact me for further information at email provided in your registration formulary, as organizers are very interested in your presence and want to know the conditions for you to attend the event.

    Best regards,
    Miguel Zambrana.

  5. Good seeing you this past weekend Jared, missed hanging out with you guys at the track, and further more missed watching you kick some butt in person 😉 congrats on the wins! See you at Surf City!

  6. Dear Jared Tebo,

     I know you must meet thousands of people as you cross the globe racing and you probably don’t remember me, but I met you briefly at the Duel this year. My name is Roxie and I am the founder of RC Wives. RC Wives is a group of us wives (and girlfriends) who have formed a sort of “Club” to recognize each other for supporting our men and their love of racing RC. I know your wife is home with your daughter while you race and that in itself is no less important to your racing as the team you have pitting you. She is the very picture of an RC Wife.

     On our brief encounter we shared memories of our children and I learned you had lost a child as I did. My son Jacob was born at 24 weeks gestation and fought for 4 ½ months before his little body could not fight anymore. He passed Nov 1st 2005. As with you, not a day goes by that I don’t think of him and I too was angry with God. Losing my son left such a void in my heart that couldn’t be healed. I looked for answers from priests, ministers, monk and pastors only to walk away with nothing. I was unable to be supportive for my husband, and he found condolences in others that led to affairs, and ultimately divorce. I felt alone in the world feeling no one could possibly understand what I was going through. I pushed through only for the fact that I had a 5 year old son who still needed a mom. Although all I wanted to do was crawl in a whole and die too, God gave me the strength and the faith to know he had a plan for me, and that I just had to follow his signs and he would deliver me to healing. I don’t think we ever get over the passing of our children, we just learn to live with the pain. As I sit here, typing this, I still feel the sorrow, the pain and the hurt as the day we gave our baby back to God.

     I had faith God would show me the way as I felt so lost and alone and he did. He led me to Jose who has given me the love, the trust and the support I never thought I’d ever find or allow myself to find again. He introduced me to the sport of RC and he led me to you.

     After our conversation at the Duel (and with RC Wives growing so rapidly) I felt like God was talking to me, pushing me in a direction I never thought of. In 2006, I joined up with The March of Dimes for one of their races. It was held at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital (Where my baby was born and passed) and I was able to raise $270. The event proved too emotional for me, and I never finished the walk, instead I went home happy enough to know I had collected and donated towards a cause that I felt kept Jacob’s memory alive. I felt that empty hole in my heart fill with love, and I was comforted. I feel in my heart that God had allowed me to speak with you that night to light a little flame inside to do something for not just mine, but everyone who has had to say goodbye to their precious little babies.

     RC Wives is planning a benefit race in the summer of 2015 (July 18th OR 25th- not sure exactly which date yet) that will benefit The March of Dimes. As you probably already know, the March of Dimes is an organization that heads the research of still births, miscarriages and premature births. They were originally founded in 1962 by Roosevelt in order to find a cure for the child crippling Polio- which they did through the development of a vaccine. After their enormous victory over Polio, they turned their attention on the studies they do now. The research and development they have accomplished in the last 50 years is amazing!! And it was all funded by the American people and their donations of “Dimes”.

     This benefit race will be held at Heritage RC Raceway in Chula Vista, with Jimmy Babcock announcing and I’m trying to get Joey from The Dirt on board also. I would like to personally invite you to be a guest of honor Racer. I know if you were to attend MANY more racers would join, creating a bigger fund to be donated to this worthy cause. I have put aside $2000 of my own money to fund the raffle prizes, plaques ect. as I do not have the sponsor connections for donations.

     I know your schedule is very busy and this would be time away from your family, but I knew if anyone would feel this was an important cause, you would. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. God Bless.

  7. Hey Jared,

    My name is AC Glenn. I’m a model airplane pilot from Memphis. I have followed a lot of your career as I’m very interested in Rc cars but from a distance lol. I tried racing 2wd when I worked at Horizon Hobby but never could get good with it and kinda gave up and focused on airplanes. I wanted to let you know that your testimony has really helped me to find a deeper relationship with Christ. I have watched it numerous times and though I need to get closer to God but never really did it. That changed for me yesterday and I want to thank you for sharing that side of your life and wanted to let you know that it spoke to me and has helped me to start the process of changing my life for the better. Good luck at the Nats. Thank you so much again.

    Thank You,

    • Wow, thanks so much for sharing that with me. It gives me chills just thinking about Gods power. I feel honored that my story could help you find Christ and start your relationship. God is good and always, God is good.

  8. Do you have a published calendar of events you will be attending? My three sons and I would like to try to see you race sometime. All three boys are running 3 RB6’s and one SC6.

  9. Hi,
    first of all, I’m big a fan of you !
    I’ll switch from Mugen to Kyosho after this season. Therefore I wantet to ask if it would be ok for you if I paint mine in the sceme you ran in 2013 (at least try to 😀 ) ?
    Best Regards,

  10. Hi, Tebo. I just have some questions about the SC6 ride height. How do you set the ride height, I mean with the body or without the body, also includes the ZX-6. Without the body, I can not set the front end into 30mm and the rear for 28mm, even though I screw up the collar to the top. I am using the stock pistons, springs and 32.5wt for front and 27.5wt for rear, because of the cold weather in my hometown. If I screw up the collar too much, springs just dropped off from the bottom cups very frequently, because the length between the collar and bottom cup is longer than the spring, for both front and rear. I do not how to resolve this issue. I have tried a lot of different X-gear springs and reassembled the shocks for many times to change pistons and oils to get the 30mm in the front and 28mm for rear, but I did not success. I am just wondering how you work on your SC6. Thanks a lot. Tabo.

  11. Hello I was looking for a set-up for my RT6 to run at my local track and found your 2014 Surf City set-up as a base point, and it actually work better than I had hoped for and haven’t change really anything. I lost my set up sheet and came back here to find it had been taken down, and was wondering if there was anyway to get another copy? I have the 2014 Surf City set-up on my RB6 as well and it’s made a huge improvement in the handling. Hope to have my SC6 going soon with this set-up as well.

  12. Hi Jared my name is Enzo Albertoni, 15 years old sponsored by a couple companies and race when I can. I really admire you, as your testimony let me get confident again with racing. WhenI lost my grandma everything changed, and I had very bad thoughts in my mind, but watching your video of your testimoney made me open my eyeys and move one. I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing!
    What is the best way to reach at you for questions and stuff besides your website?
    Thanks a lot Jared!

  13. Hey Jared,

    Sorry if you have already answered this but in the RB6, what have you found to be the main difference in running the shorty LIPO sideways to inline?

    Is there a better position to run the battery when using it sideways – i.e. how far forwards of the motor?

    Thanks a lot.

    • I think the car works better in all trak condidtions with it sideways. With all your weight inline, you don’t have enough weight transfer to generate grip or properly work the suspension. Pretty close to all the way back against the motor guard works good.

  14. Jare Hello!
    I am Kyosho driver mp9 tki3, say it is a car that love em and am very happy … In Spain so much sun, the circuits are usually dry and dusty unlike what you have in big races, you could give me algunso tips for tuning the car when no pulls? I mean for circuits without grip … tell relation of crown and bell? silicones?

  15. Looking to get into 1/8 nitro buggy. I’ve been running 1/10 scale nitro for several years in dirtoval, llooking to return to off road. Just wwondering what is the best buggy out there for the buck. Trying to stay under 500.

    Thank you Jay.

  16. Jared,
    I have been following you since 2010. I am very impressed with your story of courage, faithfulness and love for Jesus! Thank for being open with that!
    We share a lot in our back grounds, my dad passed when I was 11 and I had to find “my way”. It hasn’t always been an easy road, but as you know, God blesses. I dreamed of racing dirt bikes since the age of 5, my parents feared the worst and bought me a go cart! Lol.
    My second passion became RC racing in 1988, starting with a gold chassis RC10, then the worlds edition…..
    finally at 23 I bought my own first dirt bike, 1996 Kx125! Yeah it had purple shrouds!! Lol.
    Anyway, now you know a little piece of my story I won’t be a stranger at PNB 2015 when I stop by to say hi. Keep up the good works brother, you are living the dream!!

    • I’m very to hear about losing your dad. I can’t imagine how tough that had to be. Haha, I had a 96 kx60….purple shrouds rocked in the 90’s. I’m looking forward to meeting you at pnb!

      • You are gonna love PNB, the ramps are SICK! Bring extra parts! LOL. The track is rough, its more like a tough man competition for RC cars! Dave an Ollie are fun guys, they love a good show, expect some kind of masked villain! LOL
        I will be driving down from Atlanta about 2 hours, any idea what the schedule is like? i am trying to decide if Thursday or Friday would be better?
        I know you probably have a tight program you run, but if you are like most guys who are running multi classes help is always useful. If there is a time or way i could serve you best? I am a heck of a tire washer! 😉
        PS is there a better way to send an email?

  17. Hello Jared Tebo. now present myself am the Daniel’m Portuguese and I live in Switzerland. jm am big fan of yours, I liked that fizeses a small review of your Maxima engine. Thank you await a response

  18. Hey Jared… I’m a local from Raymore, got a chance to talk to you at the Cactus classic this year what a pleasure! Anyway I’ve been trying to run down a way to get a power cord for my touch charger but the team orion contact page on their website is down. I was wondering if you know how I can get in touch with then so I can purchase one. Thanks! And by the way your bike rebuild looks awesome!

    • Thanks about my bike. I’m not to sure, I would try to call Horizon and get one. I will check to see if I have one at home, but I’m 95% sure I don’t.

  19. Hi Jared, just wanted say that you have inspired me and gotten me through some tough times, and gotten me into rc racing with my tki3. And, also, strengthened my relationship with the Lord and Jesus Christ. Last thing, could you recommend a good low price engine. God Bless, and good luck!

    • Hey Zac. Thanks for sharing that, God is so good. The low price OS and Novarossi engines seem to work good. I don’t have any experience with either, but have seen drivers use them at my local track. Sorry,I’m not much help there.

  20. Hello jared are Emanuele, a Sicilian rider. I’m a big fan of you, we met at the World in Messina, I follow you in all social. I have tried to have your autographed body but we have never been able, we live in two different continents and my financial resources are not significant to be able to come to the US and that is why it would be a big dream for me to have your body. could you send it to me? I pay all that there is to pay. thank you, I hope for a reply. excuse my language but I am not good.

  21. Jarred Im 28 and was a long time racer and was out of it for last 10 year till 1 year ago. I was showing a bunch of friends pics from my racing days in Florida and ran by a pic with you in it I would like to send you. Figured you would get a kick out of it. Winter Champs 2002. Just don’t know how to send it to you.
    P.S. Can’t wait for you to give another class at speed R.C. for 1/8 maybe I can get a spot this time.
    Thanks dave

  22. Hi
    We are the Hong Kong RC factory
    We have done business want to discuss to you. Hope you can interest our coming project

  23. Hi Jared, just wondering now that you have had a while with the Tki4, what do you say is the biggest jump, or the biggest changes from the Tki3 to the Tki4 are?

  24. Have a question regarding tire prep. What exactly were you guys doing to gain more traction at Nationals. I’ve tried breaking in tires before hitting track, tire sauce, different car setups, etc…but just never seem to get the “stuck to the track” traction that I see so many other racers get. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again and congratulations on all your current/future success. You are an A1 class act all the way. God Bless!

  25. hello jared, I wanted to ask if you please, you could send the set up they used in las vegas, I’m from Argentina, I run with the Kyosho MP9 tki4 and I can hardly make it work well on tracks with potholes, my English is not good for that is translated by google translator
    from already very good thing,

    This is the video of the circuit so you have an idea, we use aka iBeam or city block

  26. I have two questions jared first is my jtp rear shock tower broke for my rb6 how much to replace and second is the top braces for zx6 when will they be avaliable and how much.

  27. Hi, Jared
    Can you share some new setup for an indoor clay with medium traction-wet track setup for your RB6.6? I already bought two v2 front tower from you and wondering how are you setting your RB6.6 right now. Thanks a lot

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